Saturday, February 12, 2011

"That was Wisconsin, that was yesterday" Bon Iver

What a visit! I saw my friends and family, played in the snow,  saw my wonderful Packers become world champs, overall had a great time! 

Hangin with Peter Pie
Having a Yerba Mate at Espresso... just like old times!

My favorite Lea, co-ex-espresso barista
My favorite family, Gretchen, Jon, and little PJ!

Blurry, but my favorite Milwaukee people! Becky, Ashley, Matt, Alli, and myself
2 of my favorite men (not including Andrew ;) )
A little Madison Love: Adorable Ashley and Pat out for Sushi!
The only way to make nick smile in pictures: jab him in the side :)

I love my friends and family, I am so blessed to have you all in my life! You are all my Valentine!

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