Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pick yourself up and Try Again

Minnesota Tulips
Well, the week of mourning is over. Andrew found out he didn't get in and we both went through the angry stage, sad stage, and now we are rebuilding. Everything happens for a reason, and we weren't meant to be in Maine. 
Ohhh They missed each other! Andrew, Marty, Rodney, and Brian
 We had a lot to take our mind off of these things: I went to visit him on the island, and even better still Max and Lorraine's Wedding! It was such a beautiful ceremony...tornado sirens and all. We danced the night away and caught up with everyone, it was so wonderful. We spent the night with Andrew's sister Janelle and boyfriend Bern the night before the wedding and Trout Laker Samantha Reuter for breakfast before the wedding. So wonderful. We didn't get very many good pictures from the wedding, so when I get some from friends I will share them here!

I spent a few days on the island with Andrew, which was a blast! He is back to capturing these dinosaur birds... but afterwards I am going to try and convince him to guest blog about his experiences!  He has lots of stories and pictures to share with you all! Here are just a few from my visit:

Double Crested Cormorant

Lots of Double Crested Cormorants

Radio telemetry!

Well, life goes on, and we are stronger and smarter for it. Keep us in your thoughts!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Well, there you have it.

Dear Jessica:

The graduate committee met yesterday and we are unable to offer you a position into our program for 2011-2012 due to an excessive number of candidates competing for only a few spots. This is an informal letter but I know that you are (quite rightly) eager to hear our decision. You will receive an official letter from the graduate school. We encourage you to apply again next year and to maintain communication with Dr. Karen Wilson. We wish you the best of luck,


Jeff Walker
I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, I just thought with the professor wanting me to work with her, and she had funding that would mean the admission was just paperwork. Now we have left a message to see the status of Andrew's application. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Oh, yes. They make terrific pair. They went together like lamb and tuna fish.

With Andrew living close enough to come home once a week, we have started "dating." Ha! We have been going on little dates each week (insert awwww here): two weeks ago we made sushi together, last week we mountain biked around the Nehalem River, and this week we hiked Mt. Neahkahnie. We are trying to make the most of our Oregon days, as we are hoping to move to Maine in the fall (yes, admissions is moving slower than molasses insert frustrated grumbles here).
View from the top (Yes, the sun was actually shining!)

Photo especially for Gene East!
We are also getting ready for a few more traveling adventures: Max and Lorraine's wedding in a few weeks, Will and Erin's wedding in July, and Marty and Cassie's wedding in October! I am a sucker for weddings, so I cannot wait!!

*Title is a quote from the movie Big Daddy!!*