Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Little Steps

So, I have put my apartment up for sublease on craigslist and facebook... hopefully someone likes it!

I sent in all my paperwork through SCA and finished my background check... a productive Spring Break, I'd say!

I have really taken a hard look at my list of stuff for Idaho, and I am pretty well stocked already! I only need to purchase a few odds and ends!

Andrew is talking to his boss and looking into driving out to Idaho with me in May, so we can roadtrip out West and he can see me off! (awwwwwwww)

These next few weeks are going to fly by and be chock full of stuff to do!
Spring Break through April 4th
Andrew plays in Ashland's Folk Fest on April 10th
Andrew has an orchestra concert on the 17th
Brewers v Cubs game April 25th
Andrew begins Loon job the 26th (ish)
E-bombers orchestra concert May 1st
Finals week May 9-14
Graduation Party May 15th
Leave May ~20th for Idaho!
Back in Wisco briefly May 28th-30th for Vanessa's wedding... then out in Idaho for the remaining months!!!!!!


Monday, March 22, 2010

The Checklist

So I am slowly, but surely creating a checklist of things to do before I go and things I need for Idaho. Feel free to add things if you think I need 'em!

Things I need:
1. Car!!!
2. Sleeping Bag
3. Cooler
4. Hiking Boots
5. Field Clothes
6. Headlamp
7. Baby wipes for field showers
8. My bike
9. Headlamp
10. Rubbermaid food bin
11. Camp chair
12. Stationary for PEN PALS!!!

Things to do:
1. Goodwill a bunch of clothes
2. Pack up my room in Madison
3. Get in shape for field work!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sawtooth National Forest

So I have accepted the internship through SCA (Student Conservation Association) and will be heading out to Idaho at the end of May!

I will be sampling Idaho streams/rivers for Bull Trout. Bull Trout are an indicator species for ecosystem health. On most days we will hike 10 miles to our sample reaches with a 40 pound pack, wade in the streams while electrofishing, then either hike out, or camp if the next sample site is close enough. It will be a true test of myself!

I have four days of Forest Service Training beginning on May 24th, then after a quick trip back for Miss Vanessa Stock's wedding, I will be out in the field until August.

I am trying to keep concentrated on these last weeks of school, but that is proving extremely difficult! Hopefully spring break up in Ashland, WI will be just the break I need!

Well, more once I know more!!