Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lot of Irons in the Fire

"Lot of Irons in the Fire" a quote from friend Mike in reference to Andrew and my "problems" as of late. Andrew has two job opportunities that he is attempting to juggle, and I have three... these are good problems to have... but they are giving us a bit of stress!

Andrew Job #1: Oiled Loons in the Gulf: this job opportunity came through a professor of his from Northland, the company would fly him down to the Gulf for a 10 week position beginning on Jan 18th.
Andrew Job #2: Cormorants in Astoria, OR: Starts March 15th (NO LATER) and goes through the summer.
Ideally, he will be able to do both, but if he can't leave the Gulf 2 weeks early to start the Astoria job, he most likely won't take the Gulf job. We will hopefully find out what is happening on Monday.

Locales of the Jobs (except the Gulf...I assume you know where that is...)
Jess Job #1: Tillamook, OR--Life Cycle Monitoring through ODFW... this doesn't start until march, and ends the end of June. I would then be able to come back to my Chinook job in August... which would be awesome.
Jess Job#2: Coos Bay, OR.... verrry far south on the coast of oregon. I would be working for a logging company doing spotted owl, marbled murrelet, fish, and habitat surveys. I think this may be a crew lead position... Interview on Tuesday....
Jess Job #3: Permanent (YEP, PERMANENT) job in Astoria... doing a rotation of things from juvenile snorkel surveys, to coho spawning surveys, to land owner contacts, etc.  Interview on the week of Jan 17th.

Decisions decisions..... Lets all root for Astoria for the both of us!!!

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